May 8, 2014

10 ready coded HTML UI kits

1. Flat design UI – HTML5 + CSS3

This is a free flat design UI kit where you will find the HTML5 and CSS3 codes for free.

2. Responsive Flat UI kit – HTML

This UI kit allows you to work alongside the latest version of Bootstrap.

3. Light UI Kit in CSS & HTML

If it's features that you want, this UI kit has plenty to offer.

4. Bootflat – Flat UI kit for Bootstrap

BOOTFLAT is an open source Flat UI KIT based on Bootstrap 3.1.1 CSS framework.

5. Free PSD & HTML Flat UI kit

This is a flat design UI kit that is available in both PSD and HTML forms to suit your needs.

6. Flat Admin UI kit

This is another flat UI kit that you can use. Unlike other options though, this one is meant especially for administrators.

7. Email UI kit Dashboard

This is a very useful UI kit that was first designed to be used for email user's interfaces. It has dashboard elements.

8. Free PSD/HTML Web UI Elements Kit

This is a web user interface that is available in PSD, HTML, CSS and jQuery formats.

9. Futurico UI HTML

This is a web user interface for designers and developers, which is based on the free version of the Futurico web UI.

10. Web UI CSS kit

A lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces.

May 6, 2014

Hosting Websites on Google Drive

Almost everyone who owns a computer also owns at least one website these days. Be it personal or professional. There are a number of hosting services available on the web for us to host our websites but most of them cost money.  A simple and efficient way to host websites can be Google Drive. With its free storage space of up to 15 GB, you can host a fairly large website without any cost.
Google Drive can be used to host basic websites or even complex JavaScript-based web apps. You may publish any kind of static content on your website including HTML pages, images, CSS, icons, audio, video etc.
Note: However, Google Drive does not support web resources that make use of server-side scripting languages like PHP.
Here's how:
1)Create a public file folder.
2) Put your website i.e.the HTML, CSS, Javascript files inside it.
3)Open the HTML file and preview it.
4) Share the URL that looks like "" from the preview window.
To create a public folder:  For this, you simply need to go to folders, create a new folder, and rename it to whatever name you want. Following which, you select the checkbox next to the New folder. Click the "Sharing settings" icon. Then click "Change" and make your folder "Public on the web".

For more information don't forget to check the site...................

Apr 26, 2014

Reporting in C# Using Visual Studio 2010

Do check this Code :->

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace wfpRKMVS
    public partial class rpCCAStudentWise : Form
        public rpCCAStudentWise()

        private void rpCCAStudentWise_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'CCA.Student_wise' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
        //    this.Student_wiseTableAdapter.Fill(this.CCA.Student_wise);
            this.reportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "wfpRKMVS.rpCCAStudentWise.rdlc";
      //      ReportParameter rp = new ReportParameter("University_RollNumber",textBox1.Text);
      //      this.reportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(new ReportParameter[] { rp });

         //   reportViewer1.ShowParameterPrompts

For any query do reply..............

Apr 17, 2014

Extensible Markup Language


XML Stands for Extensible Markup Language. It is a markup language similar to HyperText Markup (HTML) that enables to store and exchange data in a structured format across different platforms and devices. XML Documents contain data as text in well-defined customized layouts by use of self-defining XML tags. These tags are extensible because the have the name given by a user and can be easily understood and customized by other people. These features have enabled XML to be widely accepted as a standard data-interchange format. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) regularly develops new standard for XML usage by diverse software vendors and solution providers.


A DTD stands for Document Type Definition, which defines the structure of the content of an XML document, thereby storing the data in a consistent format. It defines the elements that are allowed to be present in the XML document, attributes of these elements, and their placement with relation to each other. A DTD also enables to specify whether an element is optional or not. An XML Document is considered valid, only if it confirms to DTD rules.


XSLT stands for Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations. It is an XML-based language that enables the transformation of an XML document into another XML or HTML document.

Mar 25, 2014

10 best web tools

    Zero Dollar Movies is an archive of all the full-length films available on YouTube for free viewing. From known box office films to obscure-yet-interesting short films, this website compiles a huge chunk of that collection. Zero Dollar Movies aims to bring the cream of the YouTube crop all under one banner and make it easier for people to skim through and watch those that they find interesting. It’s always a great place for some pleasantly surprising (and occasionally ridiculous) finds. Worth a visit, and one can spend several hours entertaining themselves by digging through the contents of the website looking for something to watch.
    2       PIXLR
    If you’re looking for an online image editor, there’s no competition, so far, really. Sure, there are umpteen online image editors out there, but unless you can afford something exorbitant like Adobe’s Creative Cloud, Pixlr is the place to go. Pixlr has a user-friendly UI to its name. Not to mention a wide range of tools and effects that needs very little practical editing experience to get the hang of. It’s segregation into Pixlr Editor and Pixlr Express is also very useful. Compared to the vast selection of option in Pixlr Edirtor, Pixlr Express may be limited. But it has everything you would need for a fast, on-the-go edit of a picture. Having it as an app as well doesn’t hurt.
    3       MEGA
    Mega is the successor website to the vastly popular Megaupload. The latter was shut down, back in 2012 by the United States Department of Justice. The owner of Megaupload, Kim Dotcom, was subsequently indicted for alleged operations as an organization dedicated to copyright infringement. On the one-year anniversary of the DoJ seizing his life, Dotcom relaunched Megaupload as ‘Mega’. This time as a cloud storage and sharing website. With an available capacity of storing 50GB on a secure cloud server for free, if you haven’t got a Mega account already, jump to it! If you’re interested in more space, Mega also offers upgraded accounts with no less than 500 GB cloud storage at Rs.8500 per year.
    4       ONLINE OCR
    Online OCR ( is a website that provides people with fundamental optical character recognition capabilities. This can come in handy when you have a hard copy of a document, and need to convert it to soft copy for editing, or simply converting into a format that can be read on a digital interface as text rather than an image. The method is simple – scan said document, save as pdf and upload it on Online OCR. After processing, you have the option of saving the text from the file as a .doc file and do with it what you wish (within the law of the land, that is. Avoid using this for digitizing copyright material).
    5       PRIVNOTE/WICKR
    Sometimes, it’s useful to take a leaf from the Mission: Impossible book. Privnote is a website that creates self-destructing notes for you to deliver. It creates the note on a link that ceases to exist after it’s opened once. Similarly, Wickr is an app for Android and iOS built on the same principle. Create an account on Wickr, add people using their personalized IDs, and decide how long you want any message sent to them to be visible before it self-destructs, leaving no trace.
    6       LIVESTREAM
    Livestream was an interesting find. Much like the iTunes Store’s video podcast section, this website streams live events. Live concerts, interviews, conferences, benefit events, videographic trekking – the list goes on. Very easy to use, Livestream has a large collection and a vast number of out-of-the-box and extremely interesting options for you to pick from. Other than the presently live events, Livestream also saves past events in its online archive, which is open to members to pick from. Membership is free, and although the website could use a little more organization and has a slightly unusual UI, it’s still useful to keep a track of some events that appeal to an individual.
    7       SCRIBBLE MAPS
    Quite the Godsend for people who want to give directions borrowing from the old-fashioned way. Scribble maps is a portal which makes it possible for you to map out your route by placing markers and drawing lines on a pre-existing google map. Simple, effective and evergreen. It can come in handy for the people who need to make custom maps. Maybe for a flyer announcing the opening of a new store, an event at an obscure location or even a scavenger hunt. Scribble Maps is easy to use, and very convenient.
    As the name suggests, Print What You Like lets you print web pages (or, well, anything with a URL that can be opened on a web browser) and do so after customizing to your own specifications. Remove annoying ads and popups from your print selection. This comes in handy when selecting web pages for publishing on an article or any other medium where you intend to highlight the important aspects of a web page. The user interface of Print What You Like is simple and easy-to-use.
    9       IPEBITES
    This website’s ideal for all those people who have a problem with sharing files online because of security concerns. When files are transferred through websites such as Wetransfer or Mega or or even something as frequently used as Google Drive, the process involves saving the data online or on a cloud server. Pipebytes bypasses this step. The process is simple – make sure you and the person the file is being transferred to are online at the same time, select the file you wish to transfer, send the generated link to said person. When the person clicks on the sent link, the file transfer is started on the senders end while a simultaneous download happens on the receiver’s end, thus making sure that the file does not stay on any server for it to be copied or tampered with, in any way. Perfect for people who question the safety of online file transfer websites/apps.
     10      CLOUDCONVERT
    The first thing one would notice when on the search for an online file converter is the over-eager abundance of video, audio and other media converters out there. There are also several websites for document conversion. To top it off, several websites that do overall file conversion tend to miss out on some essential (or essentially useful) formats. Cloud convert is a far-reacher. It’s tagline is ‘convert anything to anything’. We can honestly say that it did not manage to convert our .docx file into an .ogg. Giving us the impression that maybe this website was over-selling its product. But barring impossible file conversion, CloudConvert does an excellent job of converting files across a vast selection of formats, thus making it into our Top 10 list.

    For more information don’t forget to Check site

Mar 24, 2014

How to Create a Login form in Windows Form Using C#

Steps to be followed :->

1.) After designing this form using toolbar of Visual Studio. Click Enter button and type following code in it :->
private void btnEnter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            RKMVDataEntryCCA.Master frm = new RKMVDataEntryCCA.Master(textBoxUsername.Text);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBoxUsername.Text))
                //Focus box before showing a message
                MessageBox.Show("Enter your username", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                //Focus again afterwards, sometimes people double click message boxes and select another control accidentally
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBoxPassword.Text))
                MessageBox.Show("Enter your password", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
            //OK they enter a user and pass, lets see if they can authenticate
            using (DataTable dt = LookupUser(textBoxUsername.Text))
                if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Invalid username.", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    //Always compare the resulting crypto string or hash value, never the decrypted value
                    //By doing that you never make a call to Decrypt() and the application is harder to
                    //reverse engineer. I included the Decrypt() method here for informational purposes
                    //only. I do not recommend shipping an assembly with Decrypt() methods.
                    string dbPassword = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["Password"]);
                    //string appPassword = Encrypt(textBoxPassword.Text); //we store the password as encrypted in the DB
                    string appPassword = textBoxPassword.Text;
                    if (string.Compare(dbPassword, appPassword) == 0)
                        //Logged in
                        RKMVDataEntryCCA.Master master = new RKMVDataEntryCCA.Master(textBoxUsername.Text);
                        // MasterForm master = new MasterForm();

                        //You may want to use the same error message so they can't tell which field they got wrong
                        MessageBox.Show("Invalid Password", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

2.) Now Click button Exit and type this code :->

3.) Then make a function to connect to the database of your choice and don't to forget to change the credential of following code according to your need :->
Function DatabaseConnection ()
{            const string connStr = "Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS; Initial Catalog=College Management System; Integrated Security=true";
            const string query = "Select Password From CMSloginID (NOLOCK) Where Name = @UserName";
            DataTable result = new DataTable();
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connStr))
                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn))
                    cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserName", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = Username;
                    using (SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
            return result;

4.) Now press F5 to run the application.

Hope you enjoyed this code. for any query do check my website.

Mar 19, 2014

How to install various Content Management System

Hi Guys,

Today we are going to see how we can install various CMS on our local machine. All these installation take into consideration that u have installed XAMPP on your machine.  Let start :->

1.)  Joomla Installation


Write down the following information for use in your Joomla! installation.

        Database name, example: D1234_joomla
        Database user, example: D1234_juser
        Database user's password
        Note the location of the database. Usually, Localhost for a cPanel installation. Occasionally, a hosting account may have a database server completely separate from a user account's server for physical files. Instead of Localhost the database server may actually be a URL type of address,

2.) Drupal Installation


3.) SilverStripe  Installation

Need wamp server

4.) MODX Installation

5.) Concrete5 Installation

6.) Bitnami      (

Bitnami is a library of popular server applications and development environments that can be installed with one click, either in your laptop, in a virtual machine or hosted in the cloud. We take care of compiling and configuring the applications and all of their dependencies (third-party libraries, language runtimes, databases) so they work out-of-the-box. The resulting packaged software (a 'stack') is then made available as native installers, virtual machines and cloud images. These Bitnami application packages provide a consistent, secure and optimized end-user experience when deploying any app, on any platform.

Hope you all have enjoyed reading all these steps . Do Leave comment ................