Mar 18, 2014

Content Management Systems

Content Management Systems (CMS)

Building websites by hand with all html/css pages was fine a couple years ago, but these days there are a ton of awesome Content Management System options out there that make our jobs as developers and website publishers SO much easier!

What is CMS ?
A web content management system (WCMS or Web CMS) is a content management system (CMS) software, usually implemented as a Web application, for creating and managing HTML content. It is used to manage and control a large, dynamic collection of Web material (HTML documents and their associated images). A CMS facilitates content creation, content control, editing, and many essential Web maintenance functions.

Content management system is a software that helps you keep track of each and every piece of your content on the website, as if you are using a local public library of books and manage them. The content on your website can be any thing like simple text, documents, photos, music, videos or any other thing you can think off. The best part of CMS is that it requires almost no technical knowledge or skill to manage and maintain it, everything about your content is managed by CMS.

  1. WordPress  
  2. Joomla
  3. Drupal
  4. SilverStripe
  5. Cushy CMS  
  6. Frog CMS
  7. MODx  
  8. TYPOlight
  9. dotCMS  
  10. Expression Engine
  11. Radiant CMS  
  12. concrete5 
  13. Contao